
Dadaism, this fine art motility borned in the middle of Earth War I, changed completely the direction and purpose of fine art, in a new way never seen until and then.
Information technology was war itself and its consequences that caused most of the creative person to drift in Zurich, making Zurich the main city where artist from all the world would gather.

The revolution of Dada was born as a rebellious movement against applesauce of war and equally the promise for freedom.

As condratictory equally this may sound, therefore Dadaists didn't "preach" peace, but … war itself.

Around 14th July of 1916, the poet Hugo Ball declared The Dada – Manifesto.
Brawl and his friends used to meet up and gather at a club in Zurich which he opened with his future wife Emmy Hennings.

"Dada is a new trend in art. I can tell this from the fact that until now nobody knew anything about it, and tomorrow everyone in Zurich will be talking about information technology. Dada comes from the dictionary. It is terribly simple. In French it means "hobby horse". In German information technology means "good-bye", "Get off my back", "Be seeing you sometime". In Romanaian: "Yes, indeed, yous are right, that'southward it. But of class, yes, definitely, correct". And and so forth."

-Hugo Ball

Hugo Ball, reciting Karawane, 1916.

Except people that were living in Zurich, non many know that the Dada movement is actually formed there, in the heart of the onetime city of Zurich. The grouping was created in Spiegelgasse 1, in the neighborhood of Niederdofli.

In this legendary Cabaret Voltaire, came to life this ironic, loud, diverse movement which soon would conquer the globe.


Chief figures of this movement were Hugo Ball, Emmy Hennings, Hans Arp, Raoul Hausmann, Hannah Höch, Johannes Baader, Tristan Tzara, Francis Picabia, Richard Huelsenbeck, George Grosz, John Heartfield, Marcel Duchamp, Beatrice Wood, Kurt Schwitters, Hans Richter, Max Ernst, etc.

Dadaist performances offered a multifariousness of explosions in poetry (words with not a certain meaning, similar a collage of words), music (music released in form of declarations in which messages got cannibalised by the absurdity of linguistic communication, political theatre.

Then if Dada was in heart a protest against European model of life based on state of war, also announced itself as an Anti-Art.
Dadaists, as they called themselves, experimented in sound poetry, collages, photomontages. From their base in Zurich they conquered the world – Berlin – Paris and New York with their humour and irony.

Dadaism destroyed the heritage of XIX century, unraveled the borders and limits in between arts, reduced and vanished the gap in between genres and united the public concept with private, art and politic, mode and art, etc.

With Dadaism the effigy of the Female creative person, as a phenomenon, grew stronger, in an art phase conquered by men until then.

So Dada tin can be treated not just as shortlifed artistic and cultural movement just as well as a mondus operandi, because Dadaism was anti-comformism, anti-authority, anti-traditionalism, anti-capitalism, anti-monopolism, anti-war, anti-logic, anti-normality, and even anti-dada itself. Therefore subsequently, confusing the whole world, Dadaism left the stage by living only around 8 years, as long as it is the immortality for an art motion.

In September, the city were I was born and lived until now, Tirana, becomes Dada. From 26th until 30th of September a cultural organization chosen "Poeteka" with the support of "Tirana Municipality" and Europian Union of Literature and "Traduki" books, with the collaboration of the installation of "Reja" (Cloud), organizes the "DadaEast/Dadaism Days" festival. Last September, (September 2016), marked the 100 years of the European avant-garde fine art movement of Dadaism (1916-2016).

From the Feb 2016 the whole world was taking role in unlike celebrations of 100 years of Dadaism, one of the most important movements in art, political and philosophical field development of that catamenia.

Not merely its birth place Zurich where Dadaism roots belong, or the main places where Dadaism found infinite to develop like Paris, Berlin, New York etc, simply also Tirana becomes Dada, to remind the strong touch on this motility likewise had in SouthEastern Europe and Eastern Europe.



This Festival in Tirana Festivali aims to include the city in its program, people, institutions, also aims to combine everyday life with art, civilization and living, to inspire advice in between arts in plazas, bars, parks, etc.


"The idea is not to create a formal gathering or event with other European cities which are also celebrating this anniversary, only too to make it evident the contribute of Eastern Europe in this move" – Arjan, told us.
Meanwhile guests were artists from Republic of austria, Bosnje Hercegovina, Federal republic of germany, France, Rumania, Switzzerland, Montenegro, Netherland, Serbia, Slovenia, Republic of croatia, Bulgaria, Republic of macedonia, Kosovo, Italy, Hellenic republic,  such every bit Jani Oswald, Ervina Halili, Zvonko Karanović, Demosteni Agrafiotis, Željko Barišić, Franko Bušić, Zunaza Fingert, Patrick Dubost etc.


During the whole week, in plazas, parks, coffee shops, clubs, bars, and other meeting points in Tirana were organized many discussions, open reading sessions, slam poetry, exhibitions, audio/video – visuals, instalations, volume promotions, etc.

9_29866373252_o.jpgWhen the organizer of this event (Arjan Leka) first invited my ring to play in the end of the "DadaEast Festival", we were at starting time a bit confused about our functioning and how we could fit "Feminist Punk Stone" in a Dadaist festival, just in the end of it I think nosotros got our answer.

Premenstrual Syndrome (riot grrrl), feminist punk ring, Tirana 2016.
