"Timmy is an boilerplate kid who no one understands… Mom and Dad, and Vicky always giving him commands…" Okay, don't lie, y'all totally sang it. Nickelodeon has brought us many shows over the years that were important parts of our collective childhoods, merely perhaps ane of the most influential, and one of my personal favorites, was Fairly OddParents. Fairly OddParents tells the story of Timmy Turner, a ten-year-old boy with absent-minded parents, an evil babysitter, and scheming teacher. Not to mention the fact that he has a crude fourth dimension at schoolhouse, and is ignored by his crush, the popular daughter, Trixie Tang. Basically his life kinda sucks. What Timmy does have going for him —and just about makes up for all of that— are his Fairly OddParents. You see, as the theme song explains, Timmy has "magic little fish that grant his every wish… Cuz in reality they are his odd parents, fairly odd parents…" Okay, okay, I swear, I'm done for real this fourth dimension. Every bit the theme song explains, Timmy has fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who have been assigned to make Timmy's life better by granting him wishes. In this magical show's eighteen-plus year run, still it was bound to run into a few plot holes and inconsistencies. As much as I loved Fairly OddParents every bit a kid, looking back equally an adult, at that place were definitely some things that didn't quite add up. Moments that were actually weird, surprisingly dark, or merely didn't brand any sense at all. These all occurred far more frequently than I remembered as a kid. Without further filibuster, hither'southward a list of twenty-four things that don't brand sense about Adequately OddParents. "What could possibly become wrong?"

23 Grown Human being In The Fifth Grade… Naught To See Here…

via: fairlyoddparents.wikia.com

If you oasis't seen A Fairly Odd Picture show: Grow Up, Timmy Turner, all you need to know that it has by far 1 of the weirdest premises of any children's moving-picture show I've ever seen.

The basic premise is: Timmy exploits a loophole in Da Rules that allows him to continue his fairies as long as he remains child-like indefinitely.

He'south not allowed to graduate school, motility out of his business firm, get a job, or fall in honey. To that end, he has somehow managed to remain in Mr. Crocker's fifth-grade class for the past thirteen years. Um, what now? I accept so many questions, like how is it possible to still be in a public elementary school after xviii years of age? Shouldn't there exist a law most tthat? Surely if he deliberately flunked his classes thirteen times in a row, he would have either been kicked out of schoolhouse or been forced to move alee to the next grade or…Something? Information technology just doesn't make any sense. Also, he is friends with his classmates—A agglomeration of ten year olds… Similar he legitimately hangs out with these children after school and stuff… How exercise none of these kid's parents call up this is super creepy? True, we know he's harmless, merely in real life this would be a go call the cops state of affairs.

22 Fairy Childbirth

In the TV picture show "Fairly Odd Baby" we acquire a few new things virtually the fairy world. We acquire that thanks to Cosmo being a terrible, terrible babe, caused the very human action of having a fairy babies to be outlawed ten,000 years ago. We are also informed that fairies accept on god kids primarily to fill up the void of not beingness allowed to accept children of their ain. But maybe the most interesting petty factoid we glean here is that apparently male fairies are the ones that conduct and requite birth to the children. Wait what? How? I mean, this does exist in the beast kingdom, merely not in creatures that look anything like humans. I have so many questions.

Apparently, not even fairies know the answer to that, since, in the motion picture, anti-Cosmo disguised as Dr. Rip Studwell explains that he has no thought how fairies are supposed to give birth, considering information technology hasn't happened in thousands of years. Timmy ends up having to wish the baby out, because nobody knows what else to do! Surely there must be another way, though. Even Wanda seems shocked that this actually works. So I estimate fairy birth will e'er be i of life's little mysteries…

21 Vicky Should Really Be in Jail By At present

If you grew up with Fairly OddParents like I did, you without a doubt recollect the series' chief antagonist, Icky—I mean Vicky. Vicky was Timmy's sixteen-year-old babysitter, and an accented monster. She is well-known for pestering Timmy and her other young charges to within an inch of their lives, (or what would be, if this weren't, you know… a cartoon,) manipulating, cheating, lying, stealing, she even became an evil overlord one time. With all of the terrible, cruel things that Vicky had done over the years, peculiarly the astringent kid abuse, how does she still have a job? No….More than that… How is she not in jail? Like maximum-security prison. Timmy might go on her out of trouble on occasion, because he apparently needs her to go along him miserable then that he continues to demand his fairies, but honestly you would think at least one of her rampant crimes would have gotten her caught by at present. Actually, there is ane episode in which Vicky does face legal consequences for her actions. In the episode, Microphony, Vicky gets arrested for saying the discussion "moron" on the radio. That's correct. Patently saying the discussion "moron" on the radio is where the police draw the line. Seems legit.

twenty Not Using Wishes When They Would Apparently Solve The Problem

(Via: http://fairlyoddparents.wikia.com)

In the TV movie Fairly Odd Baby, Timmy becomes fed up with Cosmo's obnoxious pregnancy behavior, and in a moment of anger wishes that Cosmo would "get lost." This spurns a fervent search mission for Cosmo. They believe that the anti-fairies or pixies might attempt to have Cosmo to get the baby and use it equally a weapon, because fairy baby magic is apparently more than powerful and easier to weaponize than adult fairy magic.

Nearly everything that ensues could have been completely avoided if instead of marching up to their enemies' doorsteps, on a whim, they had… I don't know… Used magic to detect Cosmo? There's literally no reason why they couldn't have. Timmy didn't wish for Cosmo to be "lost forever." or "lost and never found."

nineteen All-time Disguises Always

This one is and then well-known, it's actually become a meme. Cosmo and Wanda'south disguises are… Well, they're non good. Aside from turning into goldfish, they tend to turn into other animals and inanimate objects that are color-coded pink and green, and conspicuously have optics. If random pink and green objects with eyes that talk started showing upward in my life, I'd probably check myself into the nearest mental wellness clinic… And if other people could see them likewise? We're talking mass-panic, here. Within minutes the swat team would take created an impenetrable line around the weird talking trashcans.

eighteen Is Jorgen Even Actually A Fairy?

Okay, and so this is 1 of those weird things that makes perfect sense as a kid, just when yous look back on it as an adult, information technology just seems really, really weird. How is Jorgen a fairy? Every other fairy we see is roughly the height of a man kid, with the tallest ones maybe existence the height of a man developed, and then there'southward just Jorgen. Jorgen is a literal giant. He absolutely towers over all of the other fairies, to the degree where it'south actually a bit hard to believe that he himself is a fairy.

In Some Scenes He'southward 8 Feet Alpine!

He likewise doesn't have wings, allegedly because they're non "manly" enough for him, and is the just non-holiday-related fairy who doesn't appear to have godkids. He doesn't really act like a fairy either, beingness much more aggressive than whatsoever of the mostly sweet-tempered fairies that I tin remember. So what'south the deal? We're told he's a fairy, simply never given an explanation for the obvious differences between him and other fairies. Personally, I virtually wonder if he's really an elf or something similar that, or maybe a changeling that has magic powers, which is a real affair in sociology, by the way. Await it upwardly. Fascinating stuff! Merely it simply really seems like at that place should be some sort of explanation for this.

17 Timmy'south Mom And Dad Don't Have Real Names

At ten years old what did you call your parents? Probably Mom and Dad, or something, right? Maybe your friends called them Mr. and Mrs. Any-Your-Last-Name-Was? That's pretty normal. Calling your parents by their offset proper name would exist super weird and if your friends did information technology… Well, it's more than common now, merely in the early on 2000s, when Adequately OddParents offset aired, that was still considered to be rather disrespectful. But, what if everybody referred to your parents the way you and your friends did? That'southward exactly what happens all the time in Fairly OddParents.

Every time Timmy'south parents are mentioned on Tv or the radio, they are always referred to merely as "Timmy'south Mom and Dad."

Grown adults refer to Mr. and Mrs. Turner this fashion. In fact, their names take never been revealed! Every fourth dimension either of their first names are actually mentioned on the show, they get censored out by some sort of background noise. This might be hilarious, and it is definitely deliberate, simply information technology also doesn't make any sense. Adults don't refer to each other that way, especially not on Boob tube. If news anchors in real life did this, the

16 Cosmo And Wanda Don't Know How Humans Work???

(Via: quotemaster.org)

In the episode, Transparents, Cosmo and Wanda disguise themselves as humans and show upward at a parent-teacher conference Crocker called because Timmy brought a small-scale alive dinosaur to show-and-tell, and it quickly becomes apparent that Cosmo and Wanda don't know how humans work… like at all. Within moments of transforming, Cosmo near suffocates because he was plain unaware that he needed to breathe, "You hateful all the time?"

Also, neither of them announced to know nearly blinking, walking, driving, drinking, or what coffee is, or using the bathroom. How is that fifty-fifty possible?

It'south been established consistently in numerous episodes that Cosmo and Wanda accept lived amid human children for ten thousand years! If anything they should know how to people better than most actual people. How do they not fifty-fifty know how to breathe? I mean, tin accept non knowing how to drive, or that coffee is a stimulant, merely for Pete'south sake, they tried to walk through a wall…

xv Vicky's Backstory

As any fan of Fairly OddParents volition tell yous, Vicky is evil incarnate. She's selfish, greedy, and mean. What is a scrap less clear is how she got this way in the first place. In that location are at least three different, and somewhat conflicting explanations floating around to explain it. In the episode Vicky Loses Her Icky, Vicky has a "mean problems" that crawled upwardly her. and makes whoever has it act evil.

All the same when Vicky and Timmy get trapped in a cave via barrage in the episode Snow Bound, Vicky tells Timmy that she doesn't know why she does such hateful things, and tells him she had a rough childhood. Still, a third caption entirely is offered in the episode Tiny Timmy, when it is revealed that everybody has tiny little people in their brain a la Inside Out that control that person's moods and traits. Apparently, "Niceness" never showed up for piece of work. So, which is it?

14 Nobody Notices This Major Thing (Spoiler Alarm!!!)

(via: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHjbuunI5qvyI4gV9WrpRJg)

Okay, so this one's going to be a major spoiler for anyone that hasn't seen Timmy'southward Secret Wish withal, seriously, if you haven't seen it go do that. In it, Timmy is put on trial for beingness "the worst godchild ever." Timmy almost wins his case, before Foop, who is acting in the role of his prosecutor digs upward Timmy's muddy picayune underground: fifty years ago, Timmy made a forbidden surreptitious wish. A wish that everybody in the entire universe would stop aging.

Okay, so wait… He made this wish l years ago, and nobody has questioned that they've just weirdly had fifty years worth of experiences in the past year or then? I don't get it. Either they notice, and their memories change to adapt the time they've lived, or they don't… What malarkey is this?

13 Disappearing Characters

(Via: .imdb.com)

A lot of characters take come in and out of the Fairly OddParents universe, and for the almost function, characters whose absenteeism would take been readily noticed have remained consistently present… That is until the very last flavour... What even happened here? Apparently the show'south ratings were plummeting, so the writers wrote Chloe in, and Sparky out, but what fifty-fifty happened to him? He was a series protagonist for all of season nine, and so just… Poof! The to the lowest degree they could practise is write a proper finale to the character.

12 Vicky Actually Kind Of Cares About Her Job?

(Via: http://fairlyoddparents.wikia.com)

Vicky is a bodyguard with some rather… anarchistic childcare methods… And when I say, unconventional, I mean violent! Yet somehow, in the episode The Big Problem, when Timmy wishes he was an adult, and disappears completely of his own accord, Vicky flips out about the possibility of losing her job, or getting into some sort of trouble, and goes on a city-broad search for Timmy.

If she's so worried about getting fired, shouldn't she actually attempt doing her job the correct, non-terrifying way?

And if she doesn't actually care about losing her task, and so what was she doing handing out "Take You Seen This Twerp" fliers all over town, and then filing a study at the police station, which is where Timmy finds her when he finally returns? Heck, if she hadn't subconscious his disappearance from his parents for over a day, I might even say that she actually handled that situation… Kind of responsibly… Well, okay, by Vicky's standards…

11 Timmy Cannot Be The Nigh Miserable Child On World

(Via: www1.flightrising.com)

Fairly OddParents, unlike its protagonist, apparently, is an easy show to sympathize. Its unabridged premise is more than or less summed up in its theme song, "Timmy is an average kid, who no one understands," and it also sort of explains pretty well this thing that doesn't make whatsoever sense at all: Timmy cannot really be the most miserable kid on Earth, which is a prerequisite for having fairy godparents. Does his life suck? Very much so.

What nigh kids in less rich areas..?

Practice you lot honestly mean to tell me that in a world where children starve, that he is the very most miserable child on the entire planet Earth? I don't mean to disbelieve the fact that he definitely is miserable, but I just find that pretty hard to believe.

10 Due Process Doesn't Exist

Aside from Dimmsdale, one of the locations we see most oft on Fairly Oddparents was Fairy World. Fairy earth is the magical world where the fairies live when they're not on consignment with homo children, and if Cosmo, Wanda, and Timmy are in Fairy World, there'southward like a 50/50 shot that Timmy's on trial again. I'm non sure why fairy police is then harsh on 10-twelvemonth-old children, just male child, is it.

Timmy is ofttimes under threat of losing his fairies, and sometimes other punishments like imprisonment, for doing a variety of things that he either had no thought were against Da Rules. As if that weren't bad enough, Timmy is typically represented by Cosmo… For some reason, who is… For rather obvious reasons rather unfit for the function. Fairy Courtroom is nearly always absurd, and if a existent court of law operated the way this fairy court does, there would be riots in the streets!

ix Mr. Crocker Isn't Really Wrong

(Via: lickr.com/photos/mikaplexus/)

One running joke throughout the series, is that Mr. Crocker is totally insane. This is punctuated past his trademark penchant for yelling "Fairy godparents," while spasming uncontrollably. He is frequently put downwardly as a lunatic by other characters and called names like "Beatnik Crocker." The thing is, he isn't really wrong. Fairy godparents actually exercise be. He isn't especially "crazy" at all, he only is aware of a fact that sounds ridiculous but happens to be true. His only real "crazy" behavior is how obsessive and single-minded he becomes in his quest to prove that he was right, (and possibly boss the globe while he'due south at information technology). Okay, he is a little bit off his Crocker rocker, but non nearly as much so equally the other characters make him out to exist.

In fact: Mr. Crocker is probably the most intelligent developed human grapheme on the entire evidence.

His schemes to expose Timmy'south fairies might be a bit hair-brained at times, but different other adult characters on the show, he is aware that they exist, and doesn't blindly dismiss all signs of magic obviously happening right in front of him. He also doesn't go nearly enough credit for some of those gadgets of his. It would really take a super genius to build some of them, peculiarly with express access to actual fairies to examination on.

8 Gripullon, Jipjorrulac, And… Mark?

Fans of Fairly OddParents volition no doubt call back the feared alien prince from the warmongering planet Yugopotamia, who spoke in an odd surfer dialect, and loved death, and devastation, hated chocolate, and all things cute and cuddly, and had a massive crush on Vicky. The son of King Gripullon and Queen Jipjorrulac, his proper noun is… Marking. Expect, what? Why practice his parents have such clearly conflicting sounding names, and his name is… Mark…? How did this happen?

Is Marker a proper name on planet Yugopotamia, too? It doesn't even sound anything like the other Yugopotamian names.

Maybe his parents gave him a homo name on purpose, merely why would they? In Spaced Out, the first episode in which he and his parents make prolonged contact with Earth, his parents seem totally unfamiliar with World and with humans. The king and queen seem to believe that humans are just similar Yugopotamians, and share their horror at all things adorable and sweet, and love of war and brutality. When Timmy shows upwardly on their ship to enquire them to make their son go out Globe, they force Timmy to pass what they view as their most fearsome trials. Timmy is forced to skip across a bed of flowers, hug a teddy bear, and swallow a chocolate bar. They view these as sure signs that he must surely be a fearsome homo warrior. All the same, they somehow knew to name their kid Mark? Something doesn't add upwards there…

7 Expect, What Was The Test Over again?

In the episode It's a Wishful Life, Timmy feels unappreciated by his friends, family, and teachers, when he tries to do kind things for them and is met with complaints. And then, he decides to wish that he were never born. Nobody makes any attempt to dissuade him from making this wish. Wanda always has something to say when Timmy makes an ill-conceived wish, merely now—Crickets. It gets worse. Jorgen shows upward, and shows Timmy how everybody he knows now has better lives because he doesn't exist. Timmy realizes this to be true, and agrees to go to "The Dimension of Kids Who Improved The World By Wishing They Were Never Born.

The episode ends with Timmy cheerily doing something nice for Cosmo and Wanda, and Wanda remarks that he seems to have learned some sort of life lesson without them. What life lesson? I'g confused hither, because if existing was supposedly selfish for Timmy, he didn't actually larn annihilation. More to the point how is "your existence might brand other people's lives worse, and if it does yous should just disappear," a skilful lesson for kids?

vi The Godsister's Life Is Perfect — Why Does She Go Fairies?

via reddit.com

Season ten of Adequately OddParents introduced a new challenge for Timmy Turner, "sh-sh-sh-sharing" his fairy godparents with Chloe Carmichael the new daughter in town who is kind of… perfect. Seriously. She's a genius, plainly famous, then well-loved that even Mr. Crocker dotes on her, and just all around appears to be living a pretty overjoyed life. Why does she demand fairies?

Isn't the whole point of fairy godparents supposed to be that they're assigned to whatever kid is the most miserable child on Earth who doesn't already take fairies?

Chloe might not be as perfect as she comes beyond, but she's still doesn't seem to exist about miserable enough to need fairies. And isn't information technology just a footling too user-friendly that she just so happened to move across from Timmy? Also, this is another one of those weird instances where Jorgen and the fairy quango seem to have no clue how homo children actually behave, because anybody who has spent whatsoever time with kids at all would tell you that this was a terrible idea

5 Are They Really Worth It?

I of the first and almost consistent things we larn about fairies in the world of Fairy Godparents is that they're assigned to children who are determined to be the "most miserable child on Globe," presumably in order to make them less miserable. According to Da Rules, this means that a kid must remain both miserable, and a child in order to keep their fairies. Theoretically, that might even audio like a good idea. It limits the godkids' power to abuse their fairies' ability, and frees up fairies to get assist more children. The problem is that fairies aren't only inanimate sources of power, they're people, and they deed as parental figures for kids that don't accept such not bad actual parents. It'south natural that kids would get attached, and Timmy is no exception. He has stated on multiple occasions that he considers Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof to exist his family unit.

How fell is it to tell a child they must remain miserable in lodge to go along their family unit together?

Furthermore, in A Fairly Odd Motion picture: Grow Up, Timmy Turner, Timmy exploits a loophole in Da Rules that says that if he remains child-like, never leaving elementary school or his parent's domicile, never getting a task, or falling in love, he can theoretically go along his fairies forever. Does that audio like a well-adjusted child—Er… Young adult… To you?

four Da Rules Are A Fleck Likewise Convenient

Ah, Da Rules… One of the most user-friendly plot-devices known to children'southward entertainment. Woefully inconsistent, and perpetually inconvenient, fifty-fifty Cosmo and Wanda seem to have no clue what's written in them half of the fourth dimension. New rules pop up all the time, oft landing Timmy in hot h2o. For example, in the very starting time Oh Aye Cartoons episode, Cosmo and Wanda claimed non to be able to use their magic to help Timmy unless he wished for information technology verbally, notwithstanding in later episodes, they employ their magic all the fourth dimension to help him, both directly and indirectly, without even having to be asked. When Timmy makes a surreptitious wish for everybody on Earth to cease aging, secret wishes are suddenly against Da Rules. Rules are almost always only introduced to needlessly complicate the plot, in order to make information technology more interesting or raise the stakes.

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